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Proxy Day Selection - Profiled Meter Points

We use a weather- based historical proxy day technique to develop an hourly load estimate for customers in our retail choice jurisdictions. For customers with interval data recorders (IDRs), the actual interval data from a similar load day and day type will be used as a proxy for the customer load on the load-day. For non-IDR metered customers, a scale factor that relates the customer’s previous billing period energy to the profile energy for the same time period is applied to the applicable load profile from the proxy day to develop the hourly load estimate for the load-day.

The files below contain the currently available proxy day selections for Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company from Jan 2013 to Current. These proxy/load day mappings are provided for initial and final settlements.

Ohio Power Company

Proxy Days: Jan 2013 - Current

Columbus Southern Power Company

Proxy Days: Jan 2013 - Current

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