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Load Profiles

We perform all load profiling. Sample data and customer specific interval metering, when available, will be used in the development of the total load profile for which the Energy Service Provider is responsible for providing generation and possibly transmission services.

The files below contain the generic class load profiles effective 6/1/18 for the combined AEP Ohio Company. Profiles are provided for the Residential (RES), Non-Demand Metered (NON), Demand Metered Secondary (DM2), Demand Metered Primary (DMP) and Demand Metered Subtransmission/Transmission (DMT) classes, as well as for Residential Outdoor Light & Street Light (LITE), and Flat (FLAT) loads. These profiles may differ slightly from the profiles previously posted for the same overlapping time periods as we have had updates to previous data.

Each row contains data for one day, including year, month, day, day-of-week indicator (1=Sun ... 7=Sat) and the 24 hourly average per customer in kW usage values. All information is expressed in hour-ending eastern standard time.

Pre-Enrollment List Profile Mapping

The following is the mapping of load profiles listed on the Pre-enrollment List, available only to registered Power Marketers, Power Brokers and Aggregators. (See details on "Metering and Usage History" page)

Class Profile
Residential Class CCOHRESA
Non-Demand Meter Class CCOHNONA
Demand Metered Secondary Class CCOHDM2U & CCOHDM2O
Demand Metered Primary Class CCOHDMPU & CCOHDMPO
Demand Metered Subtransmission/ Transmission Class CCOHDMTU & CCOHDMTO
Residential Outdoor Light & Street Light CCOHLITE

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