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CRES Providers

Whether you are already certified as a Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) Provider or you are interested in becoming registered as a Power Marketer, Aggregator, or Power Broker these links will provide information you need to serve in our territory.

We also have a dedicated site called Business Partner Portal for Power Marketers and Power Brokers certified by the PUCO and registered with AEP Ohio. Through this portal, Power Marketers and Power Brokers can access a pre-enrollment customer list, usage data and meter attributes, and set up rate codes for Rate Ready billing as applicable to their registration. To obtain a username and password for this site, please email ohiochoiceoperation@aep.com.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding Ohio Choice, please email ohiochoiceoperation@aep.com. The Ohio Choice Operation team is shown below:

Ohio Choice Operation Support

Contact Email
Anita Ford aeford@aep.com
Carol Miles cmmiles@aep.com
Tamara Byrd tabyrd@aep.com

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